Get rid of Bedbugs easy and cheap.

3 min readOct 7, 2023

What I did to get rid of bedbugs fast and easy.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I had at least few dozen bedbugs in my house. I read so many blogs and youtube videos for months to find ways to get rid of bed bug. And these are the techniques I learnt how to get rid of most of them. There still may be few remaining but haven seen them for a while.

DISCLAIMER: Please understand and use these items at your own risk and we accept no responsibility for any adverse impact to your health or anything else. Please do not use these processes if you don't accept the risks.

Get the following items from Homedepot, Lowes, Walmart etc .

a) 2 pounds of food grade Diatomaceous earth($5). Make sure it is written as bedbug killer on the packet. Don't breathe this powder as it can cause silicosis a lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica. Better get an N95 mask while applying this powder at home.

b) Bedbug killer spray like Hotshot($8). Even 91% Isopropyl Alcohol spray ($4) will kill bedbugs but it is highly inflammable so open all windows/doors and don't light any flame or cigarette and use only small amount of spray. Some people have burned down their house using this carelessly as even the vapors are inflammable. You will need a plastic spray bottle.

c) Bissell Steamshot electric hot water steamer ($40 at Amazon) to spray steam on the bedbug hiding places. Hot Steam kills bedbugs instantly

With the above items follow these steps:

  1. Wash and dry with the hottest water and dryer settings all the beddings, comforters, cushion/pillow covers, bedsheets, bedcovers and any clothes that may have bedbugs. You can even keep them out in the hot sun for few days after washing. No need to throw them out.
  2. While the washing is going on try and kill all the bedbugs using the bedbug killer sprays inside your house. Spray at bed frame, mattress seams, sofa corners, chair cracks, under shirt collars etc.
  3. Use the Bissell Steamshot to spray hot steam over all the mattresses, bedframe, sofa, chairs, any nooks and crannies. Any other place you think bedbugs can hide. Do the hot steam spray every day for few days.
  4. Wear a N95 mask. Then take four plastic containers and put the bed-posts inside them. Then put 1 or 2 inch layer of Diatomaceous earth inside the containers so that the bed-posts wheels/legs are fully covered by the earth. Any bedbugs that tries to crawl up the containers and bed-posts will fall into the Diatomaceous earth and will get killed in a day or two. So new bedbugs cannot crawl into the bed and mattresses from the floor. Make sure the plastic containers have steep walls so that bed bugs cannot easily climb up. You can even cut large plastic juice bottles below the neck and fill with 1 or 2 inch layer of Diatomaceous earth and put the bed-posts inside the containers.
Put the bed-posts inside the plastic containers filled with 1 or 2 inch layer of Diatomaceous earth

5. Every 2 weeks check for bed bugs under all the bedsheets, mattresses, cushions, sofas and repeat the above steps as many times as needed. It usually takes a month or two to really kill all the bedbugs so it is needs patience and is a slow process.

This process worked for me and what a relief to get rid of the bedbugs and get some good night sleep and not see them again! Please like and post your comments if this process worked for you.

